====== OSA : Message queues ======
===== Intro =====
The message queue is the most universal tool for data exchange between tasks. A queue allows sending a message before the previous one was received. There are two types of queues in OSA: queues for pointers to messages and queues for simple byte messages.
To use queues in your program you must define constants in ##[[en:osa:ref:appendix:configuration|OSAcfg.h]]##:
// To use queues of pointers to messages
// To use queues of simple byte messages
When these constants are defined, the compiler inserts functions to use queues in your code.
Queues are declared through variables of queue type: ##[[en:osa:ref:description:data_types#OST_QUEUE|OST_QUEUE]]## and ##[[en:osa:ref:description:data_types#OST_SQUEUE|OST_SQUEUE]]##:
OST_QUEUE queue; // Declare queue of pointer to messages
OST_SQUEUE squeue; // Declare queue of simple byte messages
A variable of ##[[en:osa:ref:description:data_types#OST_QUEUE|OST_QUEUE]]## (or ##[[en:osa:ref:description:data_types#OST_SQUEUE|OST_SQUEUE]]##) type contains information about queue size, number of existing messages and a pointer to the message buffer.
A message buffer is an array in RAM where sent messages are stored:
OST_MSG msg_queue[10]; // Buffer for 10 pointers to messages
OST_SMSG smsg_queue[15]; // Buffer for 15 simple byte messages
To use a queue we must create it using the service ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Queue_Create|OS_Queue_Create]]## (or ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Squeue_Create|OS_Squeue_Create]]##):
OS_Queue_Create(queue, msg_queue, 10); // Create queue of 10 pointers to message.
// Sent messages will be stored in msg_queue array
After creating a queue we can send and accept messages through the queue.
For **PIC16**, the queue descriptor and message buffer can be allocated in **bank0** and **bank1** only.
==== Combining queue functions ====
When it is known that the sizes of ##[[en:osa:ref:description:data_types#OST_MSG|OST_MSG]]## and ##[[en:osa:ref:description:data_types#OST_SMSG|OST_SMSG]]## are the same, we can combine queue functions. This will reduce ROM usage. To do this we need to define a constant in ##[[en:osa:ref:appendix:configuration|OSAcfg.h]]##:
===== Services =====
==== Queue of pointers to message ====
^ Service ^ Arguments ^ Description ^ Properties ^
| **Creating** ||||
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Queue_Create|OS_Queue_Create]]## | ''(queue, buffer, size)'' | Create and clear queue | {{osa:ref:attr_call_not_int.png|Not allowed in interrupt}} |
| **Sending** ||||
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Queue_Send|OS_Queue_Send]]## | ''(queue, message)'' | Send message via queue. If queue full then wait for free place | {{osa:ref:attr_call_task.png|Allowed only in task}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_ct_sw.png|Switches context}} |
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Queue_Send_TO|OS_Queue_Send_TO]]## | ''(queue, message, timeout)'' | Send message via queue. If queue full then wait for free place. Exit if timeout expired | {{osa:ref:attr_call_task.png|Allowed only in task}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_ct_sw.png|Switches context}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_to.png|Service uses system timer}} |
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Queue_Send_Now|OS_Queue_Send_Now]]## | ''(queue, message)'' | Send message via queue. If queue is full then oldest message will be dropped | {{osa:ref:attr_call_can_int.png|Has alternate service for use in ISR (suffix "_I")}} |
| **Checking** ||||
| ''bool ''\\ ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Queue_Check|OS_Queue_Check]]## | ''(queue)'' | Check if there is any message in queue | {{osa:ref:attr_call_can_int.png|Has alternate service for use in ISR (suffix "_I")}} |
| ''bool ''\\ ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Queue_IsFull|OS_Queue_IsFull]]## | ''(queue)'' | Check if queue of messages is full | {{osa:ref:attr_call_can_int.png|Has alternate service for use in ISR (suffix "_I")}} |
| ''bool ''\\ ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Queue_IsEmpty|OS_Queue_IsEmpty]]## | ''(queue)'' | Check if queue of messages is empty | {{osa:ref:attr_call_can_int.png|Has alternate service for use in ISR (suffix "_I")}} |
| **Waiting** ||||
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Queue_Wait|OS_Queue_Wait]]## | ''(queue, os_msg_type_var)'' | Wait message from queue. After accepting message, it will be deleted from queue | {{osa:ref:attr_call_task.png|Allowed only in task}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_ct_sw.png|Switches context}} |
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Queue_Wait_TO|OS_Queue_Wait_TO]]## | ''(queue, os_msg_type_var, timeout)'' | Wait message from queue. After accepting message, it will be deleted from queue. Exit if timeout expired | {{osa:ref:attr_call_task.png|Allowed only in task}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_ct_sw.png|Switches context}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_to.png|Service uses system timer}} |
==== Queue of simple messages ====
^ Service ^ Arguments ^ Description ^ Properties ^
| **Creating** ||||
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Squeue_Create|OS_Squeue_Create]]## | ''(squeue, buffer, size)'' | Create and clear queue | {{osa:ref:attr_call_not_int.png|Not allowed in interrupt}} |
| **Sending** ||||
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Squeue_Send|OS_Squeue_Send]]## | ''(squeue, smessage)'' | Send simple message via queue. If queue is full then wait for free slot | {{osa:ref:attr_call_task.png|Allowed only in task}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_ct_sw.png|Switches context}} |
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Squeue_Send_TO|OS_Squeue_Send_TO]]## | ''(squeue, smessage, timeout)'' | Send message via queue. If queue is full then wait for free slot. Exit if timeout expired. | {{osa:ref:attr_call_task.png|Allowed only in task}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_ct_sw.png|Switches context}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_to.png|Service uses system timer}} |
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Squeue_Send_Now|OS_Squeue_Send_Now]]## | ''(squeue, smessage)'' | Send message via queue. If queue is full then oldest message will be dropped | {{osa:ref:attr_call_can_int.png|Has alternate service for use in ISR (suffix "_I")}} |
| **Checking** ||||
| ''bool ''\\ ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Squeue_Check|OS_Squeue_Check]]## | ''(squeue)'' | Check if there is any simple message in the queue | {{osa:ref:attr_call_can_int.png|Has alternate service for use in ISR (suffix "_I")}} |
| ''bool ''\\ ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Squeue_IsFull|OS_Squeue_IsFull]]## | ''(squeue)'' | Check if queue of simple messages is full | {{osa:ref:attr_call_can_int.png|Has alternate service for use in ISR (suffix "_I")}} |
| ''bool ''\\ ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Squeue_IsEmpty|OS_Squeue_IsEmpty]]## | ''(squeue)'' | Check if queue of simple messages is empty | {{osa:ref:attr_call_can_int.png|Has alternate service for use in ISR (suffix "_I")}} |
| **Waiting** ||||
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Squeue_Wait|OS_Squeue_Wait]]## | ''(squeue, os_smsg_type_var)'' | Wait for a message from the queue. After accepting the message, it will be deleted from the queue | {{osa:ref:attr_call_task.png|Allowed only in task}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_ct_sw.png|Switches context}} |
| ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Squeue_Wait_TO|OS_Squeue_Wait_TO]]## | ''(squeue, os_smsg_type_var, timeout)'' | Wait for a message from the queue. After accepting the message, it will be deleted from the queue. Exit if timeout expired | {{osa:ref:attr_call_task.png|Allowed only in task}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_ct_sw.png|Switches context}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_to.png|Service uses system timer}} |