OSA : OS_Qtimer_IsRun

bool OS_Qtimer_IsRun (qtimer)

Check if timer qtimer is running (present in queue).

OS_ENABLE_QTIMERS constant must be defined in OSAcfg.h. Size of timers is set by OS_QTIMER_SIZE constant

Call allowed:



qtimer Descriptor of timer. Variable of OST_QTIMER type. Contains timer counter, timer state flags and pointer to next timer in list. For PIC16, can only be allocated in bank0 or bank1


false timer is stopped or paused
true timer is running


OST_QTIMER qtimer;
void Task (void)
    for (;;) {
        if (!OS_Qtimer_IsRun(qtimer))     // if timer is not running
            OS_Qtimer_Run(qtimer, 100);   // then run it

See also
