====== OSA : OS_Delay ======
**OS_Delay (delaytime)**\\
=== ===
{{osa:ref:attr_call_task.png|Allowed only in task}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_ct_sw.png|Switches context}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_to.png|Uses timer}}
Delay current task using internal task timer.
Constant ##[[en:osa:ref:appendix:configuration#Timer control|OS_ENABLE_TTIMERS]]## must be defined in ##[[en:osa:ref:appendix:configuration|OSAcfg.h]]##.
=== Call allowed: ===
Only in task
=== Parameters: ===
{| class = "fpl"
|Time of delay. Set in system ticks - call ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Timer|OS_Timer]]## periods
=== Returns: ===
=== Example: ===
void Task (void)
for (;;) {
OS_Delay(100); // Delay task for 100 system ticks
=== See also ===
* [[en:osa:ref:services:alphabetical|Alphabetical]]
* [[en:osa:ref:services:brieflist|All services]]