====== OSA : OS_Bsem_Wait_TO ====== **OS_Bsem_Wait_TO (bsem, timeout)**\\ === === {{osa:ref:attr_call_task.png|Allowed only in task}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_ct_sw.png|Switches context}}{{osa:ref:attr_call_to.png|Uses timer}} Wait for binary semaphore. If timeout expires before semaphore set, then stop waiting with Timeout flag set (see ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_IsTimeout|OS_IsTimeout]]##) === Call allowed: === Only in task === Parameters: === {| class = "fpl" |- |//''bsem''// |Binary semaphore's ID. Number of binary semaphores is set by ##[[en:osa:ref:appendix:configuration#Data contents|OS_BSEMS]]## constant in ##[[en:osa:ref:appendix:configuration|OSAcfg.h]]## |- |//''timeout''// |Time of waiting in system ticks - calling ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Timer|OS_Timer]]## periods |} === Returns: === {| class = "fpl" |- |//''timeout''// |If timeout expired then system service ##[[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_IsTimeout|OS_IsTimeout]]## will return **true** |} === Example: === void Task (void) { for (;;) { /*...*/ OS_Bsem_Wait_TO(5, 20); // 20 ticks wait for binary semaphore #5 if (!OS_IsTimeout()) { // /*...*/ } /*...*/ } } === Old style name === **OS_WaitBSemTimeout**\\ === See also === * [[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Bsem_Set|OS_Bsem_Set]] * [[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Bsem_Reset|OS_Bsem_Reset]] * [[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Bsem_Check|OS_Bsem_Check]] * [[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Bsem_Switch|OS_Bsem_Switch]] * [[en:osa:ref:allservices:OS_Bsem_Wait|OS_Bsem_Wait]] ---- * [[en:osa:ref:services:alphabetical|Alphabetical]] * [[en:osa:ref:services:brieflist|All services]] ~~UP~~